If you have not read the journal and explored the rest of the website, please do that first and then come back here.
Here is a collection of some of the research and resources that I used to inform my project and this website.
These are pieces that inspired the creation of the project in one way or another.
It Came From The Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror: As the name implies a collection of essays in horror in all its forms and how that relates to the LGBTQ+ experience.
House Of Leaves: Hugely influential and informative when it comes to weird writing and impossible spaces
Jared Pike Dream Pools: Art based around strange liminal and impossible spaces creating strangely eerie effects for the viewer.
The remaining citations don't have an image to accompany them and so are done in MLA format below:
Dymerski, Matt. “Psychosis.” Creepypasta, www.creepypasta.com/psychosis/.
Machado, Carmen Maria. “Help Me Follow My Sister into the Land of the Dead.” Lightspeed Magazine, 3 Sept. 2015, www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/help-follow-sister-land-dead/.
“MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom’s Most Terrifying Mod.” Performance by Power Pak, YouTube, 11 May 2023, https://youtu.be/5wAo54DHDY0?si=ZWD3hiTf_s1GIe50.
Sims, Johnathan. THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES #47 - The New Door. Performance by Johnathan Sims, et al., YouTube, 12 Mar. 2018, https://youtu.be/PM-n2jYuPo4?si=nH6apEiWxbtutpTu.