The end of the hallway is gone. Where I used to be able to see the elevator lobby there is just another wall now. No stairs. No elevator. Nothing. Except that stupid camera. Staring back at me down the hallway. Taunting me. Daring me to try and approach. I don’t know how to get out now. I thought about the window but from the 3rd floor I don’t know if I would survive the fall. I should have a fire escape right? But I don't. I checked everywhere it could be. I tried getting someone’s attention for a bit. But no one saw me. So I am alone up here. And trapped. The worst part is there is a new door in the apartment now. Right by the entryway. I can keep it locked. But I don’t know what is behind it. I need to keep it locked. I don’t know why, but I know that that door, that door in particular has to stay shut. So I won’t open it. I check the lock every chance that I get. It is still closed. I need to get out of here. But with the stairs and elevator gone, and the window dangerous. All that’s left is MAINTENANCE.